Hello again,
Quick update on treatment of premises should a staff member display symptoms of Covid-19 virus and be obliged to self-isolate and/or be tested. We have spoken with HSE officials this am, who were extremely helpful and understanding, and they advise that the staff member effected is immediately sent home, or informed to stay at home, and follow the instructions for self-isolation or request a test as set out at www.hse.ie. They further advise that all colleagues should monitor themselves carefully for signs of symptoms and, if possible, work from home – they fully understand this is not an option for front line member facing service providers.
All surfaces that the effected staff member may have come into contact with over the previous 72 hours, as the virus lasts circa 72 hours on any surface, should be carefully disinfected with appropriate cleaning materials such as anti-bacterial wipes. They further advised that any surfaces subjected to shared use by members should be wiped between each use.
FYI, one of your colleague credit union’s undertake a deep clean on a weekly basis, in addition to their regular cleaning schedule. In addition they have just arranged a contingency for an overnight deep clean in the event that the scenario where a staff member is obliged to be tested for Covid-19 actually arises.
Hope this is of help, stay safe and regards for now, Kevin